
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


 I think the pandemic makes the bouquets clearly not the same so I don't know if there will be one that is my favorite so far, however, the university branch that I have liked the most so far was within the abiotic components of ecosystems and it was called geology. This was about the study of planet earth, but more internally, such as composition, structure, morphology, etc. I enjoyed it since, for my taste, the teacher made the classes interesting and entertaining. I learned about the layers of the earth, the materials that compose them, their properties, also about the types of rocks, dynamic processes of the earth, etc. Before studying it, I also thought it would call my attention, since before I wanted to study forestry engineering, I wanted to study geology, only I had a lot of mathematics and the truth is I don't like that much hahah, despite this, that "introduction" or piece of geology that I had as a branch left me quite satisfied 😊