My future

 As for my future job, I would like it to be abroad, since it seems to me that working from an office is a bit boring and there is not much connection with nature itself, clearly if I had the opportunity to travel practicing my profession I would take it without a doubt, since this could give me a better resume to later find a job more easily and thus have a better salary.

I would like to study the area of research since I would be interested in participating in future projects related to the improvement of the environment, also that I am still not clear since I have only been two years of career, maybe I will not finish it haha

But the truth is, I am still not clear about what I will dedicate myself to since I still consider that I do not know much about the world of work, also that I do not feel SO close to the career since the years that I have been studying have been fully online, for This, I hope that from next year it will be in person to feel a little closer to the race and know what I really want to dedicate myself to. Considering also that from a certain year one can choose branches more related to what one would like to dedicate in the future.


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